Onsite Professionals
New Treatment Technology
Time to Get On Board!
BioMaze® Be the Onsite Hero! Boost Your Profits While Saving Your Customers Thousands.
Onsite Professionals
- Drainfield Rejuvenation – Sluggish or near-failing drainfields can be rejuvenated with BioMaze®, producing clear, clean, odorless effluent high in dissolved oxygen and aerobic microorganisms—revitalizing the drainfield without excavation.
- New Installations – BioMaze® can be integrated into new septic systems to enhance performance and prevent future biomat issues.
- First Responders – Pumpers are the initial point of contact for clogged septic systems.
- New Business Opportunity – Offer BioMaze® as an alternative to costly drainfield replacement. Be the hero who saves customers money while generating revenue. BioMaze® effectively rejuvenates biomat-clogged drainfields.
Treating in the Soil vs Treating in the Tank
- Up to 50% of U.S. soils are unsuitable for proper soil-based treatment.
- Soil conditions are unpredictable and affected by hostile climates.
- Most drainfields develop biomat over time and fail; the EPA estimates a drainfield lifespan of 15–20 years.
- Additional system loads can exceed design capacity, leading to hydraulic overload.
- Tank-Based Treatment Advantages:
- Controlled and predictable environment.
- Point-source verifiable—easily monitored and tested.
- BioMaze® prevents failures and restores biomat-clogged drainfields.
Why are We Planning to Fail?
- Current septic system site plans require a "designated replacement area" for future drainfield failures.
- Reserve areas are protected land, ensuring usability when failures occur.
- BioMaze® offers a proactive alternative to premature drainfield replacement.
BioMaze® – Revolutionary Wastewater Treatment
SBG™ Suspended Biofilm Generator™
- Installs into any state-approved single- or multi-compartment septic tank.
- Allows customers to retain their existing tank unless damaged.
- Restores biomat-clogged drainfields and prevents future failures.
Patents Pending
What does it do?
- Produces a high-dissolved-oxygen aerobic environment.
- Results in clear, odorless effluent rich in aerobic microorganisms.
- Restores failing drainfields without excavation, provided the drainfield will take some effluent.
Patents Pending
What does it look like?
- Uses a quiet, energy-efficient HIBLOW linear air pump with ceramic stone fine air diffusion to create oxygen-rich conditions.
- Fixed-film media pods support aerobic microorganism growth, adjusting thickness based on organic loading.
Patents Pending
Creates Environment for Microorganisms to Grow
- Creates suspended biofilm microorganisms in the treatment tank.
Crystal Clear and Odorless Effluent
- Effluent produced from BioMaze® is typically clear, odorless, and free of solids—even in single-compartment tanks.
Case Study: Alabama Example
- Single-compartment tank with failing drainfield.
- Customer faced a $20,000 engineered mound system replacement.
- BioMaze® rejuvenated the existing drainfield, producing clear, odorless effluent.
Eats Sludge in Tank and Drainfield
- Installed May 2021: Initial sludge sample showed ~9 inches.
- 9 months later: BioMaze® eliminated sludge in the treatment compartment.
- If it reduces tank sludge, it also rejuvenates drainfields by reducing biomat sludge.
How does it do it?
Watch this video of the Product Designer, Gig Drewery, describing SBG™
Onsite Professional Testimonial
- Protects the environment.
- Affordable drainfield alternative.
- Builds homeowner trust and satisfaction.
- Combines customer service with profitability.
Test Results
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reduced to low single digits.
- Fecal coliform levels dramatically reduced.
Installer Testimonial
- Customer was having trouble with a system – an engineer recommended BioMaze®.
- I did not think it would work.
- 4 Installs - Everything is working fine.
- Did not have to dig up any drainfields.
- Cleared up a failing drainfield within a month.
NEW Income for Professionals
- BioMaze® is a profitable tool for resolving drainfield issues.
- Satisfied homeowners promote your business through referrals.
- Annual maintenance contracts offer recurring income opportunities.
Patents Pending
Homeowner Testimonial
- "Saved me thousands of dollars and my front yard."
- "The water is clearer than my tap water!"
- "No odor! How can it make water that clear?"
NOTE: Our products do not alter the permitted tank or drainfield. We simply make clear, odorless effluent. If you remove the BioMaze® product the septic system reverts back to its original anaerobic process.